Revolution in Color : 顛倒黑白
(Toronto) - May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023 (Saturday), HUMA and Ricker Choi present "Revolution in Color: 顛倒黑白", an art exhibition featuring works by five Toronto-based Hongkonger artists. As the Chinese Communist Party continues to oppress the freedom of Hong Kong, many Hongkongers are left with no choice but to pursue their dreams of freedom in the Western world.
These five artists continue to create works about the human rights violations against Hong Kong people. The exhibition will feature works by HUMA, Ricker Choi, Fiona Yellow, Planet Sponge, and RockFrogger.
News Report:
追新聞: 政治漫畫停載|加拿大港人畫家聯合舉辦展覽 海外繪畫延續發聲:我哋有責任
棱角: 多倫多香港人權藝術展 Fiona Yellow Ricker Choi 參展 探訪未來抗爭路
自由亞洲粵語 RFA Cantonese: 多倫多港人藝術家辦展覽延續發聲:不能被恐懼滲透到加拿大
同文 Commons: 多倫多《顛倒黑白》藝術展| 以藝術對抗極權 聲援香港人權
大紀元: 加國港人辦「顛倒黑白」藝術展 抗共產極權
星島: 五海外香港藝術家以創作「說香港故事」
Epoch Times: Hongkongers Held Art Exhibition in Canada to Raise Awareness of the Rights Situation in Hong Kong
和你報 WhatsNewsMedia: 以藝術說話繼續為港發聲 寄語各地港人不要遺忘歷史
Photo credit for below: Leo Tran-里奧